Do you want to meet Hongdefa team in Zimbabwe or South Africa for maize milling plant and wheat flour mill ?
Be honored of clients’ invitation, Hongdefa team will visit Zimbabwe and South Africa for meeting some clients and visiting of some old clients on maize flour milling plant and wheat flour milling machinery . My technical manager Mr Huang and Boss Mrs Guo will start their visit in Zimbabwe, from 7th October 2018 to 14th October 2018, and South Africa from 14th October 2018 to 18th October A trip to Zimbabwe and South Africa 7th October 2018 to 14th October 2018 in Zimbabwe The Gweru, Zimbabwe client ordered this 90T/24H maize milling machine from Hongdefa flour mill machine factory in 2015, and in 2016 it’s installed smoothly and started the production of maize grits. 90T/24H maize milling machine For this 90T/24H maize milling machine , it use Japan technology degerminator, which can produce "super white" maize grits of different sizes. The moisture dampener is of two layer and stainless steel. In the milling section, it use Pneumatic roller mill, For the...