Does Hongdefa maize milling plant can make quality maize flour for delicious Sadza/ugali/fufu?
Have you been to Kenya , South Africa, Zimbabwe or other southern Africa countries before? If you did, I am sure you must tasted the local food made by Maize flour, it called Sadza (Zimbabwe ),Ugali(Uganda ),Fufu (DRC) ,Posho(Kenya)etc. Zadza is the most common food in Zimbabwe. All these kinds food are same food with different name in different Africa countries. Maize flour main food is staple food in Africa countries ,they eat this food most every day, supper or lunch. Serve it with vegetable ,potato, beef ,fish or chicken . its really delicious. Africa main foods Sadza is cooked slowly until thick, like porridge.The Sazda quality is depends on the grade of maize meal. The quality of maize flour is not good and the taste will be rough. If the flour is good quality, the taste will be very delicate. Does Hongdefa maize milling plant can make quality maize flour for delicious Sadza/ugali/fufu? The answer is 100 percent sure. Hongdefa maize milling plant is making ...